Rebound & Recovery teaches children how their emotions, thoughts, and actions are connected. Understanding these connections helps students learn to be resilient when faced with challenges. Rebound & Recovery promotes resiliency with the 4 Rs:

  • RECOGNIZE their emotions, thoughts, and behaviors
  • REFLECT on connection between their emotions, thoughts, & behaviors
  • REFRAME their negative thoughts
  • REGULATE their emotions and behaviors. There is a direct correlation between children’s and adolescents’ ability to regulate and understand their emotions and thoughts and academic achievements from preschool to college.

Rebound & Recovery is a three-pronged approach where the focus is placed on building teacher skills in the classroom, supports are provided for caregivers at home, and resiliency is strengthened using cognitive behavioral skills.

This approach not only helps regulate thoughts, emotions, and actions, it empowers children to be advocates for their own well-being and academic success.

Effective & simple to use
tools for all age groups

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“I want to give a big THANK YOU to Rebound & Recovery. We have been trying to work with our child on expressing feelings. Last week, he came home and was able to articulate his emotions. He said that he learned about emotions,”– “Emotions are happy, sad, and worried, and when I get upset, I need to calm down and think!”

“I really appreciate the breakthrough. It’s a work in progress. I have seen a change in him since he has been in Rebound & Recovery. I greatly appreciate Rebound & Recovery.”


. . . From parents whose child participated in Rebound & Recovery